Founder effect in biocontrol agents
Founder effect in biocontrol agents

Crow, Mutation, mean fitness, and genetic load, Oxford Surv. Gengler, Inbreeding Depression for Global and Partial Economic Indexes, Production, Type, and Functional Traits, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. Roff, Inbreeding depression in the wild, Heredity, vol. Barrett, PERSPECTIVE: PURGING THE GENETIC LOAD: A REVIEW OF THE EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE, Evolution, vol.

founder effect in biocontrol agents

Slate, MICROSATELLITE MEASURES OF INBREEDING: A META-ANALYSIS, Evolution, vol. Bigler et al., Do new Access and Benefit Sharing procedures under the Convention on Biological Diversity threaten the future of biological control?, Do new Access and Benefit Sharing procedures under the Convention on Biological Diversity threaten the future of biological control, pp.


Murphy et al., Trends in the classical biological control of insect pests by insects: an update of the BIOCAT database, BioControl, vol. , Introduced parasites and predators of arthropod pests and weeds: a world review, 1978. Charlesworth, Effects of a change in the level of inbreeding on the genetic load, Nature, vol. Ballou, Strategies for Maintaining Genetic Diversity in Captive Populations Through Reproductive Technology 323, pp. Ballou, Ancestral Inbreeding Only Minimally Affects Inbreeding Depression in Mammalian Populations, Journal of Heredity, vol. Edwaeds, Genetic variation and founder effects in the parasitoid wasp, Diaeretiella rapae (M'intosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiidae), affecting its potential as a biological control agent, Molecular Ecology, vol. Hopper, Stabilization of beneficial traits in Heterorhabditis bacteriophora through creation of inbred lines, Biological Control, vol. García-dorado, The purge of genetic load through restricted panmixia in a Drosophila experiment, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. Heimpel, Ancestral state reconstruction analysis of hymenopteran sex determination mechanisms, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. Hodges, Are natural hybrids fit or unfit relative to their parents?, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, vol. Reed, Inbreeding depression in benign and stressful environments, Heredity, vol. Castañe, Macrolophus caliginosus in the biological control of Bemisia tabaci on greenhouse melons, Biological Control, vol. Albajes, Mirid bugs for biological control: identification, survey in non-cultivated winter plants, and colonization of tomato fields, IOBC WPRS Bull, vol.

founder effect in biocontrol agents

Tauber, Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): Life History and Potential for Biological Control in Central and South America, Biological Control, vol. Basheer, Testing genetic build response of Egyptian laboratory strain of cryptolaemus montrouzieri mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) at random allogamy and inbreeding mating techniques, Egypt. Basheer, Effect of random allogamy and inbreeding (brother-sister) mating on some morphobiological parameters of the syrian laboratory strain of cryptolaemus montrouzieri mulsant (coleoptera: Coccinellidae), 2012.

Founder effect in biocontrol agents